In early May 2022, Siroco was awarded the professional competence statute in the practice of research and development activities by the National Innovation Agency of Portugal (ANI).
This statute refers to R&D practices in the following technical and scientific fields and areas of activity:
- Production technologies and product industries;
- Development and efficiency of production systems;
- ICT applied to production systems.
The award of this statute of professional competence by ANI to Siroco is a factor of differentiation and valorisation of the entities in the market. Thus, Siroco’s competence to carry out R&D activities is proven.
In addition, this acknowledgement entails several competitive advantages, both for Siroco and its customers, such as:
- Possibility, for Siroco customers, to consider contracted research and development activities and services eligible for expenses in SIFIDE (Tax Incentive Scheme for Business Research and Development) (the value may reach a minimum return of 32.5% and a maximum return of 82.5%). These activities should fall within the recognised scientific and technological fields;
- Dissemination and promotion of Siroco’s competences in R&D fields;
- Possibility, for Siroco, to enhance value creation through projects in collaboration with companies and entities of the National Scientific and Technological System (SCTN);
- Access to investment funding, as companies’ contributions to public or private investment funds to finance companies with recognised professional competence in R&D are eligible under SIFIDE.
The recognition awarded is valid until 2030.